U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center: Documentation

Resources for the US GHG Center


The U.S. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Center provides a cloud-based system for exploring and analyzing U.S. government and other curated greenhouse gas datasets.

On this site, you can find the technical documentation for the services the center provides, how to load the datasets, and how the datasets were transformed from their source formats (eg. netCDF, HDF, etc.) into cloud-optimized formats that enable efficient cloud data access and visualization.


  1. Services provided for accessing and analyzing the US GHG Center datasets, such as the JupyterHub environment for interactive computing.
  2. Dataset usage examples, e.g. for the Wetland Methane Emissions from the LPJ-EOSIM model dataset, that shows how to load the dataset in Python in JupyterHub.
  3. Dataset transformation scripts, such as the ODIAC Fossil Fuel CO₂ Emissions dataset.
  4. Data processing and verification reports that openly present the process we used to check and verify that any transformation did not alter the original source data. An example is the CEOS CH₄ budget yearly dataset.


For technical help or general questions, please contact the support team using the feedback form.

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